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Top Tips for Choosing Sustainable Materials for Your New Garden

Professional landscape design services as offered by companies such as Landscaping Sydney, is becoming more and more popular than ever in the modern world. People everywhere are employing the services of experienced landscape designers to make their yards and gardens look neat and tidy.

With this rise in professional landscaping comes a rise in concerns about the environment. It is therefore very important to consider environmental sustainability when planning your new yard or garden. One of the best ways to make sure that you have a sustainable garden and yard is to choose sustainable materials. Some landscaping materials are environmentally friendly, but a lot are not. Our top tips for choosing the best sustainable materials for your new garden include:

Avoid plastics:

One of the major environmental problems of the modern world is plastic pollution. Unfortunately, people and countries throughout the world are suffering from the effects of plastic pollution, and the problem is made worse by the ease of use and affordability of plastics.

A lot of landscaping and gardening materials are made from synthetic or plastic materials. If possible, you should avoid these and go for something more environmentally friendly. Plastic can leach chemicals into the environment, and, if you are growing fruit and vegetables, they can eventually make their way into your body. Instead of plastic, try and use things like wood or metal.
