The greenhouse is very much suitable to cultivate the seasonal crops though out the year by it’s controlled inside atmosphere. The proper growth and development of the crops are depending up on the treatments, you are providing to the plants.

Many factors like fertilization, temperature, humidity, ventilation and shading are to be considered for maintaining a greenhouse to the satisfaction of the plants, growing in the greenhouse. The proper nutrition has to be provided by the fertilization for the healthy growth and developing the productivity of the plant.

The greenhouse plants are called as heavy feeders and require huge amount of fertilizers to grow. Recent research has shows that the nitrate, nitrogen and ammonium balance is more effective for the growth of plants. High amounts of ammonium in turn can cause foliage burn to the plants due to toxicity.

It is most important to supply different kind of nutrients during the vegetative growth or reproductive growth of the crops. The nutrients must be balanced well to avoid the deficiencies and toxicities in the plants. The fertilizers with complete nutrients are available in market, which contain nitrogen; potassium and phosphorus are most useful for the plant.

Nitrogen – Ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate are some of the sources of nitrogen and it is most important nutrient to the plants. If the farmer prefers to feed the nitrogen in the form Ammonium, he should not supply more than 50 % in that form.

Potassium – This is an essential element in the water utilization of the plants and Potassium nitrate is the common source of potassium. Phosphorus – this is the other important element for the growth of the plant. The most common way of providing the phosphorus is through the phosphoric acid or super phosphate.

If you are supplying large amount of phosphorus, it may make other nutrients insoluble. Therefore, you must be careful, while providing the phosphorus, otherwise the plant will fail to absorb the nutrients. The other needs of Plants are calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum and chloride. Some of these are supplied through the growing medium and others are supplied through supplemental application.

The greenhouse cultivator must be capable to monitor the quantity and the balancing of the nutrients, which are to be provided for the plants in the greenhouse. Proper nutrition can help the plants to achieve their best growth and increase the productivity. Quality crops can be harvested if the cultivator knows how to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the plants.