The greenhouse designed to keep a suitable climate condition inside the chamber to boost the growth of plants healthy and to increase the productivity of the plant. The artificial heating equipment, humidity controller, lights and ventilations are occupied to control the inside climate of greenhouse chamber.

The result of maintaining the inside climate is satisfactory as the quick growth of the plants and increase of productivity. The geothermal conditioning is planned according to the environmental and biological orientation of the greenhouses.

The change in climate plays a major role in the growth of the plant and the main purpose of having an internal climate system in greenhouse is to optimize the necessary factors for growth of the plant. The photosynthesis process helps the leave to utilize the carbon dioxide for the plants growth, which can be obtained by the sun light.

The greenhouse will enjoy the natural climate also like sun light, heat etc. The formation of chlorophyll affects the entire internal climate, which happens because of the effect of heat transfer, solar light, and natural air. The quality of soil, protection by the canopy and the regular watering is helping the chamber for maintaining the continuous energy balance.

Condition and character of the internal climate:

The air circulation is must and it is the media to transfer the heat to entire area of the chamber. The chamber is maintaining the energy balance for the healthy growth of plant. The heating is must and the chamber should be always in required heat level.

The regular watering is having a most important place in the growth of the plant as well as the inside climate the water helps the plants for the photosynthetic process and provides required moisture to the roots of the plant. The light rays are most essential in producing photosynthesis reaction in the plants and develops the plant’s life process inside the greenhouse.

The carbon dioxide concentration is also having important role in the life process inside the greenhouse. It is important to create an environment, which will provide continuous life process for plants in stabilized climate condition. A well-planned greenhouse climate assures the proper distribution of light, temperature, water, carbon dioxide, and other essential factors required for the growth of every plant